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>hibiscus flower chips

Tasting menu at WD-50, course #7

>Langoustine, popcorn, hibiscus, endive

I like every element in this dish. Together?
I suppose I've seen worse.

Hibiscus, of course, is dear to my heart. I drew quite a few of them in Singapore, at least one for a biology class. I know all the intimate details of this flower.

Or so I thought. I had no idea I could eat -or drink- it. And what do you know, made into thin fragile chips resembling stained glass, it's tart, it's delicious.

The popcorn was no popcorn at all - rather, a large smear of polenta. Unless the "polenta" was made from crushed popcorn and not raw cornmeal? (Note to self: experiment with popcorn + Cuisinart)

Juicy langoustine tail was tasty all by itself. Endive? I guess the dish needed a vegetable, and it did the job.

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