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>macadamia nut vs. candlenut

When I see children tethered to their parents' car, I cannot help but feel lucky for the relative freedom I enjoyed as a kid in Singapore, being allowed to navigate my way around the city on my own. The question "is it safe?" would have raised eyebrows. Safe from what?

I absolutely believe that exposing children to the stimulating city life gives them more. More of anything and everything.

It was certainly nice to get a ride home from school in mom's car (she drove a Mercedes-Benz...), but I like
d the option of walking and public transportation, especially when visiting friends.

Snacking on the street wasn't exactly encouraged, but t
he occasional satay tasted so good!

One of the ingredients which makes satay extra good, in addition to peanuts, is candlenuts which look a bit like macadamia nuts. These creamy nuts are not eaten raw, but ground and cooked. There are some wild legends about this nut all over Polynesia, and it is Hawaii's state tree, kukui.

If you happen to be lost in the wilderness with these nuts, it'd be a snap to start a fire. Something to remember when you go camping.

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