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>watermelon heads

These are real watermelons. Not photoshopped.
But most of these mutants are not yet carried by your local grocer.

Their shapes include

triangular pyramids
triangular pyramids with facial features
...and hearts.
Watermelon on the Vine 
See that watermelon a'hanging on the fence
How I wish that melon was mine
Some folks are foolish, they just don't have no sense
Or they wouldn't leave that melon on the vine
Hambone it is sweet, chicken it is good
Rabbit is so very, very fine
But give me, oh give me, oh how I wish you would
That watermelon hanging on the vine

You may talk about your peaches, your apples and your pears
Persimmons growing on the tree
Folks have their favorites just most everywhere
But that watermelon is the best for me

* Refrain

I went to get that melon, I thought I'd have some fun
The stars they had just begun to shine
But when I heard some moving, I left there on the run
But I didn't leave that melon on the vine

* Refrain

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