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Apparently we will soon be saying goodbye to the ubiquitous airy foam now found in the top restaurants everywhere.

What’s next? Chef Raymond Capaldi of Fenix restaurant in Australia thinks the next hot trick on the menu just might be fermented milk - Yakult style.
This makes a whole lot of sense to Japanese Yakuruto door-to-door delivery ladies, who happily make their daily rounds promoting the benefits of this tiny bottle of “probiotic” pink yogurt drink, delicious and nutritious, and a good aid to digestion to boot. Now it seems to be becoming a minor worldwide phenomenon. Check out this cute UK ad.
Yogurt drinks are nothing new, but I have yet to encounter Yakult drink's presence in a mainstream American supermarket, especially outside of California. We have barely started working on yummy Turkish (ayran) yogurt drinks and Indian lassi drinks.
Curious how chef Capaldi’s pasnips and sheep’s milk yakult will turn out. What form it will take, we can only guess. Chef Adria, any ideas?

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