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>quinoa chirashi

The "hot" new Conde Nast business magazine "Portfolio" doesn't appear so hot, yet.

When I do a search, this magazine comes up first.

Anyway, the NEW Portfolio does
have a website.

In one of their videos
-and it does have a Food & Drink page- a Gourmet magazine columnist tours and samples the Hearst Tower cafeteria food at Cafe57.

Here's a screen shot of one of those dishes. (Notice the misspelling of chirashi? It should be quinoa chirashi, not quinoa "chirachi".) For the full video, go to Hearst.

We've seen chirashi sushi. Cafe 57's version looks like its veggie cousin, with quinoa "rice".

So what does chirashi actually mean?
It's uncaked sushi, and comes from a word meaning loose or scattered.

Untidy, in other words.
But colorful, I have to say.

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