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>foie gras de canard vs. foie gras d'oie

Duck (canard) or goose (oie) liver, we don't care. Well, some of us do, but many people gladly consume either. I, for one, seldom pass up an opportunity to eat it, although occasionally I feel a pang of guilt when I see pictures of birds being force-fed, but I hope people are right that it's not a painful process.When I was little, I was told that foie gras was goose liver.

However, I find more duck foie gras, moulard for example, in restaurants, although I still think first of goose foie when the menu simply says "foie gras". It ought to be specified. If not, you might want to ask the restaurant to do it.
>Roasted goose foie gras with apricot chutney and veal gravy with almonds - Speltz, Luxembourg>Panfried goose foie gras, wilted endive and potato rosti, Sauternes sauce - the Oxo Tower restaurant, London, UK

>Chilled goose foie gras with Sauternes aspic and house marinated cherries - the Inn at Little Washington*, VA
(*one of my favorite restaurants!)

>Hudson Valley moulard duck foie gras, creme caramel with white peach espuma - Patina*, Los Angeles, CA

(*another favorite restaurant!)

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