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>Mont Blanc cupcake - a faux "spaghetti" treat

Have you ever tried Spaghettieis ("spaghetti ice")?

It's a sweet ice cream dessert that delights in fooling you into thinking it could be vermicelli.

A somewhat similar "pasta" confection is still popular as Mont Blanc, a delectable cake covered with wispy noodle-like strands of cream that comes in all colors of the rainbow.

Relished at chic cafes in Ginza, such as at Hills (ヒルズ) or
Tricolore (トリコロール).

Chestnut cream is the preferred flavor. Many come in the form of cupcakes that are just too cute to unravel.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous30.7.10

    wonderful!i would love to try this cake one day


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