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>shallow pickle 浅漬け, sticky pickle べったら漬, rice bran pickle 糠漬け, lucky gods pickle 福神漬...

(Moved from March 19, 2010)

Pickles! So many varieties of pickles are popping up in American menus. And yes, there's so much we have yet to come across. It's high time we learned all about the fascinating world of these side dishes and condiments, before we eventually spot them on our menus.

Let's start with the word "tsuke" in tsukemono
(漬物, pickles). Grocery Trekker has chosen the list from our friendly Wikipedia's list of pickles with the word "-tsuke" (漬/漬け) in it. (The word becomes "-zuke" when something comes before it). Grocery Trekker has PAINSTAKINGLY added the meaning. (PHEW!)

浅漬け = asa + tsuke = shallow pickle
Bettarazuke べったら漬 = bettara + tsuke = sticky pickle (it comes from べとべと betobeto, "sticky")
福神漬 = fukujin + tsuke = lucky gods pickle
Kasuzuke 粕漬け
= kasu + tsuke = sake lees pickle
からし漬け = karashi + tsuke = mustard pickle
Matsumaezuke 松前漬け = Matsumae + tsuke = pickles from Matsumae, Hokkaido
Narazuke 奈良漬け = Nara + tsuke = pickles from Nara
糠漬け = nuka + tsuke = rice bran pickle
Senmaizuke 千枚漬け = 1000 + mai + tsuke = thousand leaves pickle
Shibazuke 紫葉漬け(柴漬) = shiba + tsuke = purple leaf pickle
Wasabizuke 山葵漬け = wasabi + tsuke = "horseradish" pickle
Rakkyōzuke 辣韮漬け = rakkyo + tsuke = rakkyo onion pickle

And so many more. Let's all get in a pickle. Shall we?

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